WholeHealth Wellness ® Allergy Desensitization is an innovative system of healing that effectively prevents and treats health issues. Allergy treatment, nutrition, enzyme therapy, and detoxification are combined to remove stresses on the immune system and restore health and natural vitality. WholeHealth Wellness ® Allergy Desensitization focuses on three areas:
- A unique acupressure technique that removes allergies and sensitivities, often permanently.
- Nutritional analysis and the use of enzymes to correct nutrient deficiencies and improve digestion and metabolism.
- Purification and detoxification of the body through homeopathic remedies and lifestyle therapies.
WholeHealth Wellness ® Allergy Desensitization incorporates 21st century technology with acupressure, energy medicine, applied immunology, enzyme therapy, and state-of-the-art nutrition. These practical methods have been used successfully to treat thousands of people worldwide. Many find that long-term chronic health problems are corrected or resolved. Equally important, this simple and effective system provides tools that each of us can use to maintain optimal health.
WholeHealth Wellness ® Allergy Desensitization was developed by Darshan S. Khalsa, DOM, L.Ac., based on years of advanced study and clinical experience.
WholeHealth Wellness ® Allergy Desensitization effectively treats:
- Allergies and Sensitivities
- Arthritis
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Chemical Sensitivities
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Colitis
- Crohn’s Disease
- Eczema
- Environmental Illness
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches and Migraines
- Sinus Conditions
- Thyroid Disorders
- Vaccination Reactions