Acupuncture is the oldest continuously practiced medical system in the world and is used by one third of the world’s population as a primary health care system. It is likely that more people have been treated by Chinese medicine throughout history than by any other formalized system of medicine. Because of its relatively low cost and its noninvasive nature, acupuncture has become a highly popular form of complementary health care in the United States. The World Health Organization (WHO) has endorsed acupuncture treatment for over 40 conditions, including stress, digestive disorders, depression, allergies, sleeping disorders, addictions, headaches and menstrual disorders.
This highly effective system of medical care is based on natural laws which govern the movement of vital life giving energy, both in nature and in the body. This energy, called “chi”, moves through the body in precise channels supporting functions of the body, mind and spirit. When “chi” is moving disharmoniously, imbalance begins to surface in the form of specific symptoms. To address the underlying cause of a condition, these symptoms are viewed in relationship to the totality of a person. The gentle insertion of hair thin needles at specific points along the channels of chi energy, help restore harmony. In the presence of this subtle yet profound intervention, symptoms often resolve and patients frequently experience renewed vitality.